Mobile Phone Technician and PC Maintenance & Networking Course

Jesse and Fredrick are very close friends who joined VSOMO program together. They successfully completed Mobile Phone Technician course and PC Maintenance Course at VETA KIPAWA. The two had the plan to open mobile phone repair business at their locality but they lacked necessary skills required to perform the job. They joined the program as fresh- with no prior knowledge in mobile phone repair, they learn the necessary skills, technics and tools required to perform the job within the program. They were motivated to join PC Maintenance and Networking course when they learn that they can do both Mobile Phone repair and PC Maintenance work using almost same tools and technics. After the program, they attach themselves to experienced mobile technicians to gain more experience and exposure to the business, after about six month they managed to raise a small capital to buy few tools and equipment to start their own Mobile Phone Repair Workshop at Tegeta. They are planning to join intermediate and advances mobile phone repair course to qualify for working License from TCRA.